Golden Child Promotions Publishing is a publishing organization with the sole purpose of bringing new meaning to publishing by creating a fair ground for every voice wanting to be heard. Our organization is all about promoting book publishing among new authors. GCPP promotes book publishing for beginners. You don’t have to be an expert writer or know anything about publishing to write a great book. All you need is a good idea, some passion, and the Best book publisher in the UK.

Over time, many voices have been crushed under the complexities of self-publishing and the gruesome requirements of traditional publication. Golden Child Promotions Publishing is a contemporary company, that conforms to the modern and current ideas of publishing, including style, fashion, and design. In addition to this, GCPP assists with the full publication process from proofreading to editing, formatting to book cover design, and printing to distribution. We also can assist with barcodes, ISBN, and website design. We know all about book publishing and we are one of the best book publishing companies. We are bookmakers like no one else. Our sole purpose is to promote book publishing for beginners.

We believe you are a talented author, we are here to encourage and assist all your literary dreams. “The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work”Émile Zola. We will gift you the support you need to develop your dreams.

What We Offer

Golden Child Promotions Publishings is an innovative, contemporary, and unconventional book publishing company for new authors with a distinctive perspective that sets us aside and above every other book publishing organization. Golden Child Promotions Publishing is on a renowned mission to change the entire world of publishing and redefine the very process of book publishing. Golden Child Publisher promotes book publishing for beginners. We are the Best Bookmakers like no one else.

Contemporary Book Publishing Company

We are a Contemporary Book Publishing Company, the coming of age of innovative publishing, and our goal is to work with the Golden ones and the Golden souls. YOU ARE GOLDEN. We bridge the space between the various medium of publishing and offer quality opportunities to gifted writers who have never been able to express their thoughts or have their works published as a result of the short-handedness of the typical styles of publishing. At Golden Child Promotions Publishing, we assist authors or aspiring authors to publish their works for minimum cost. The author retains all royalties and all their profit. As told earlier we promote book publishing for beginners. We are the best book publishers and bookmakers like no one else. The GCPP is the right place for book publishing. GCPP can help you understand the benefits of book publishing.

We Believe in You

At GCPP we believe in you, provided you believe in yourself. We believe you are braver, more talented, and more capable than you can imagine. We believe you are a good writer and a great author. Everybody has GREATNESS inside them, most often UNREALIZED. EVERYBODY has a STORY, EVERYBODY has a GREAT BOOK INSIDE OF THEM. THEY just need to KNOW the WAY. With the RIGHT NURTURING and SUPPORT, anything is possible. Therefore, this singular reason is why we are ready to support and guide you through the publication of your manuscript. We can help you publish your worthy content on Amazon Kindle. GCPP is one of the Best Book Publishing Companies for beginners.

You feel you are talented?

 Do you feel you are golden?

Do you have what it takes?

Are you courageous enough of your ability and talent?

Golden Child Promotions Publishing is the place for you. It promotes book publishing for beginners.

“Every artist was first an amateur.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Golden Child Promotions Publishing is ready to support, nurture, guide, and give you the courage to stand tall in the literary sphere and speak to the world. GCPP is one of the best book publishing companies for beginners.