🔊 Listen to this how are you? I am very well, hope that you are too! I wanted to talk with you about CLARITY today, YOU KNOW that I always have so much to SAY. But I would not have it any other way. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content....
🔊 Listen to this how are you? I am very well, hope you are too! In this intricate tapestry of life we weave, Where social constructs shape what we perceive, Let us delve deep into the realm of thought, And unravel the truths that our minds have sought. You...
🔊 Listen to this Oh, dear reader, listen here to me, Seven EILOHEEM in collaboration, you see, DIVNE CREATION is sure to arise, It is a gift that we cannot disguise. Today, we are most fortunate, Teaming up in common-unity, so elate, To...
🔊 Listen to this How would you deal with this situation??? how are you? I am very well, I hope that you are too. Sometimes in life, we face a tricky phase, Where the people closest to us leave us dazed. Sometimes Issues arise that we must...
🔊 Listen to this how are you? Do you know what it takes in this life to see you through? In a world of words, let us take a flight, Let us explore the reasons why we write. I’ll share with you family, alright, Nine motivations that make pens ignite. You...