[responsivevoice voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=” Listen to this”] HOW ARE YOU? ALL GOOD, I HOPE. TO ALL THE MOTHERS CELEBRATING MOTHERS DAY YESTERDAY, I HOPE YOU HAD A FABULOUS DAY 🙂 Sorry for not being around last week. My head was a...
[responsivevoice voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=” Listen to this”] HOW ARE YOU? ALL GOOD, I HOPE. Sorry, it has been a little while, no excuses. We will do better. I will do better. I just wanted to keep it SHORT and SWEET today.You need...
[responsivevoice voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to this”] how are YOU? ALL ‘GOOD’ I HOPE! Sorry, it has been a few days now. I have been MISSING YOU. WHAT IS NEW?You need to be logged in to view the rest of the...
[responsivevoice voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to this”] HOW ARE YOU? FANTASTIC, I HOPE. HOW IS YOUR WEEKEND GOING? ALL GOOD I HOPE. It’s just a quick one today, I just wanted to take some time out to APOLOGISE. WE DO NOT...
[responsivevoice voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to this”] HOW ARE YOU? ALL GOOD, I HOPE. I just NOTICED something. I BLAME the TV, MEDIA, GOVERNMENTS, THEIR HANDLERS, etc. I also BLAME ALL of the ENABLERS. BEFORE TV WAS...
[responsivevoice voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to this”] HOW ARE YOU? ALL GOOD, I hope. I got sent another article of Daniel. This one was a little bit longer but it raises some very good points. Points which RESONATE with me a...