Hey, how’s it going?
Please hold tight!
This may be a little bit long.
This may come across a lil ‘wacky’ and weird.
However I wanted to discuss these things with you.
Sometimes it is ‘good’ to LOOK, outside of this ‘MATRIX CONSTRUCT‘, don’t you THINK or FEEL?
‘Lemme’ ask YOU something.
Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered why we call these celestial bodies planets?
The term is more than a label.
It is a blueprint, a coded reminder of a PLAN for Earth, (PLAN-E.T.) or PLAN–Extra Terra Astral, designed to guide humanity toward balance and divine alignment.
What if I told you that this cosmic plan, tied to ancient wisdom and modern narratives, includes a hidden story of extraterrestrial guidance, multidimensional realms, and humanity’s forgotten potential?
Let us unravel this, stage by stage, we may ask for your thoughts along the way…
1. The PLAN-E.T. as Cosmic Blueprint
The word PLAN-ET carries a layered meaning.
It suggests a divinely orchestrated design for Earth, set in motion by higher intelligences — extraterrestrials (E.T.’S).
These beings, known by many names in ancient traditions, such as the Anunnaki (despite THE FACT that it was AN EVENT), are described as COSMIC ARCHITECTS.
Their purpose?
To guide civilisations toward harmony and spiritual ascension through sacred geometry, celestial alignments, and encoded messages.
However, humanity has largely ignored this blueprint.
Driven by ego, greed, and materialism, we have veered off course, turning potential harmony into chaos.
Question for You, adrian:
Do you see signs of this forgotten plan in the world today.
YOU only need to LOOK at/into ancient structures like the Great Pyramid to KNOW or consider recurring celestial phenomena?
2. The 9 Planes of Existence: A Map to Divinity
The ancient wisdom of Tehuti (Thoth), the scribe of sacred knowledge, reveals that existence unfolds across 9 planes, each representing a vibration of reality:
(1). Physical: The material world.
(2). Emotional: Desires and feelings.
(3). Mental: Intellect and thought.
(4). Astral: Dreams and imagination.
(5). Etheric: Subtle life forces.
(6). Causal: Karmic memory and intention.
(7). Spiritual: Awareness of the higher self.
(8). Cosmic: Oneness with the universe.
(9). Divine: Connection to THE SOURCE.
These PLANES actually link up to YOUR CHAKRAS, were YOU AWARE of this?
Many remain tethered to the lower planes, fixated on materialism or emotional drama.
The key to transcending these layers lies in reconnecting with THE DIVINE.
Ancient practices such as meditation, ritual, and alignment with nature can help you to ascend towards UNITY with THE SOURCE.
Questions for you:
Which of these planes resonate most with where you feel humanity is collectively stuck right now?
How about you personally, do you feel drawn to explore higher realms of existence?
3. Admiral Byrd and the Mystical Gateway
Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s journeys to the poles, particularly during Operation Highjump (1946–47), provide tantalizing clues about the Earth’s hidden dimensions.
His alleged secret diary describes encounters with advanced beings in a lush, subterranean world beyond the poles.
This mysterious land, said to exist within the Hollow Earth, housed advanced beings who piloted flying craft resembling UFOS or UAPS as they often refer to it in todays terms.
They warned Byrd of humanity’s destructive tendencies, particularly our misuse of nuclear energy.
These beings share striking parallels with the Anunnaki in Dr. York’s teachings.
Advanced, benevolent entities guiding humanity while remaining hidden.
They also align with the concept of the poles as portals/gateways to HIGHER dimensions or realms beyond human perception.
Questions for You:
Have you heard about this story before?
Do you think Byrd’s accounts were a literal discovery, a symbolic vision, or perhaps a blend of both?
How might hidden dimensions reshape our OVER-standing of the Earth?
4. ‘STAR WARS’, Admiral Byrd, and the Cosmic Narrative
You’ve likely seen or heard of Star Wars, a cultural phenomenon filled with interstellar battles, ancient wisdom, and the battle between LIGHT and DARK.
Did you know that Star Wars may draw inspiration from the same cosmic truths reflected in Admiral Byrd’s missions?
In the saga, THE FORCE represents an omnipresent energy akin to THE DIVINE SOURCE in ancient teachings.
The Jedi, guardians of peace, mirror the advanced beings Byrd described who use their knowledge to guide others while maintaining balance.
Even the concept of hidden worlds (Dagobah, Hoth, and beyond) parallels the idea of the Hollow Earth or interdimensional gateways.
The struggle between the Empire and the Rebellion reflects humanity’s inner conflict: order versus chaos, ego versus divinity.
Apparently there were some REAL ‘STARWARS’ also, where we gave it everything that we got but ended up coming home with ‘OUR TAILS BETWEEN OUR LEGS’, with a WARNING for THE RULERS of the PLAN-E.T.
Not to mess about with any NUCLEAR WEAPONS again as the ATOMIC bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki nearly destroyed this PLAN-E.T.
It also affected other PLAN-E.T.S, hence, THE WARNING from these EXTRA TERRA ASTRALS.
YOU KNOW that if YOU SEE something in A MOVIE it has usually HAPPENED in REAL LIFE already.
Question for You:
What parallels do you see between Byrd’s accounts, Star Wars, and the ancient narratives of cosmic order?
How does the idea of advanced beings as “cosmic guardians” resonate with you?
5. The Anunnaki’s Role in Humanity’s Evolution
According to Dr. York, the Anunnaki genetically engineered humanity as a hybrid species to mine gold a resource vital for their planet, Nibiru.
Over time, they shifted their focus to guiding our spiritual evolution.
Key moments include:
(1). Genetic Engineering: Combining their DNA with Earth’s primates to create Homo sapiens.
(2). The Great Flood: A reset meant to address humanity’s moral decay.
(3). Nibiru’s Return: Nibiru is depicted as a PLAN-E.T. whose return marks the symbolic crossing of the stars, bringing transformative energies.
It signals key cosmic and environmental changes central to the Anunnaki’s influence on humanity.
This all sounds VERY WILD and CRAZY.
Through these interventions, the Anunnaki have left a PERMANENT mark on human history one that urges us to reclaim OUR DIVINE HERITAGE.
Yet, their guidance is often ignored or misrepresented.
Question for You:
Do you think humanity is ready to acknowledge this connection, or are we still too entrenched in skepticism and materialism?
6. Why Divinity Matters
The chaos in today’s world:
- Wars
- Environmental destruction
- Social fragmentation
Stems from a loss of DIVINE ALIGNMENT.
Without this connection, humanity remains trapped in cycles of ego and destruction.
The ancient principle of Ordo ab Chao (Order from Chaos) teaches that chaos is necessary for growth.
However, without DIVINE GUIDANCE, chaos spirals into suffering.
TRUE ORDER emerges only when we transcend the lower planes and align with LOVE, WISDOM, and UNITY.
Questions for You:
How do you think humanity can begin to reconnect with THE DIVINE?
What steps could individuals or communities take to RISE ABOVE the chaos?
7. Moving Forward: Realigning with the PLAN-E.T.
The PLAN-E.T. is not lost.
It remains an ever-present guide, waiting for humanity to realign.
Advanced beings like THE ANUNNAKI and THE NETARU continue to OVER-see our progress.
While ANCIENT WISDOM offers a roadmap for spiritual ascension.
Action Step for You:
Pause today and reflect on where you stand in the 9 planes of existence.
Are you anchored in the physical, or are you striving for a HIGHER OVER-standing?
Final Thoughts
Admiral Byrd’s revelations, the teachings of the Anunnaki, and the allegories within Star Wars all point to an intense TRUTH:
Humanity’s survival depends on rediscovering and aligning with the cosmic order.
For centuries, advanced intelligences, whether extraterrestrial or interdimensional, have sought to guide humanity toward harmony.
They introduced the principles of DIVINE ORDER, through sacred texts, geometry, and celestial alignments.
Yet, humanity’s fixation on ego and materialism have disrupted this balance, turning cosmic guidance into forgotten myths.
Today, we see the consequences of disorder:
- Wars
- Environmental destruction
- Social fragmentation
The chaos that engulfs the world is not random but a necessary precursor to transformation.
The ancient principle of Ordo ab Chao (Order out of Chaos) reminds us that CREATION often requires destruction.
However, without wisdom and spiritual integrity, chaos becomes an excuse for exploitation, as seen in the actions of corrupt systems and institutions.
TRUE ORDER cannot emerge without DIVINITY.
The connection to THE SOURCE.
The infinite intelligence that precedes ALL CREATION must guide humanity’s next steps.
8. Before the Singular God Concept:
Nimrod, the first Freemason, played a key role in transforming the concept of divinity into a singular God.
Before his influence, ancient civilisations like Egypt revered the Ogdoad (eight primordial deities, representing fundamental elements like water and air, and the Ennead (nine gods) symbolising cosmic principles such as creation, order, and chaos.
These deities illustrated a balance of forces rather than a single entity.
The Ogdoad were four pairs of male and female deities who embody elemental aspects as desribed above.
The Ennead, represents a spectrum from chaos (SET) to harmony (MA’AT). Nimrod’s influence streamlined these diverse principles into a singular divine archetype.
As YOU can SEE, Nimrod’s contributions to the GOD concept marked a shift from a multifaceted divinity to a singular figure.
The Ogdoad, comprising deities of darkness, light, and chaos, and the Ennead, encapsulating life’s cycle from birth (ATUM) to death (OSIRIS), represented a complex divine balance.
Nimrod synthesised these principles into a unified deity, reflecting both order and chaos.
This TRUTH is still accessible, waiting for you to realign with IT’S WISDOM.
Admiral Byrd’s journey to the hidden poles, like the Jedi’s mission in Star Wars, mirrors our quest to restore balance.
Byrd encountered advanced beings who warned of humanity’s destructive path, much like the recurring theme of cosmic guardianship in myths and media.
The Anunnaki and Netaru have always been there, teaching, guiding, and witnessing as humanity navigates the often chaotic path of our own making.
9. Where Do We Go From Here?
The DIVINE design for humanity and Earth, is not lost.
It is encoded in the stars, the ancient texts, and within each of us.
To restore order, we must:
- Acknowledge the Chaos: Recognise the disarray in our world not as an endpoint but as a catalyst for growth.
- Reconnect with THE SOURCE: Through meditation, reflection, and alignment with natural laws, return to the balance of creation and destruction.
- Seek Higher Planes: Move beyond materialism and ego to embrace love, wisdom, and unity.
- Honour the Blueprint: Rediscover the wisdom of the ancients and the guidance of advanced intelligences who remind us of our DIVINE POTENTIAL.
How do you see yourself contributing to the restoration of order?
Are you ready to explore your role in the PLAN-ET aligning with its DIVINE PURPOSE?
The journey to balance begins within.
Chaos is not the enemy.
It is the spark that ignites transformation when guided by wisdom.
Until next time,
Kwadwo Naya: Baa Ankh Em Re A’lyun Eil
P.S. The truth is neither hidden nor lost; it simply waits for those willing to see.
Let’s uncover it together.
Let us restore order to this chaotic world.
THE TRUTH is out there.
Hidden in the stars, encoded in ancient texts, and waiting within you.
Let us uncover it together…

Most of us are ignorant of the power we have when informed.
Refuse to be brain-washed or influenced by someone else.
We need to know what we are doing.
We need to do what we’ve chosen knowing we won’t regret it.
Jealously guard your right to choose because every choice connects and relates to the other.