We are not PAIR to RENT’S, As per the Government. It takes two to tango and make a child, Why so often do they go wild? There is A MOTHER and A FATHER here, DON’T YOU SEE? Why oh why are you messing with me? Is it because I am happy...
Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) Hi, how are you? ALL ‘GOOD’ WE HOPE! We have a BIG QUESTION for YOU Enriquillo. When will YOU DECIDE that YOU were meant for MORE than just daydreaming about writing that book? Here’s THE...
When setting out on YOUR JOURNEY as a new author, one of the most critical aspects to grasp is KNOWING YOUR AUDIENCE. Every word you pen down should resonate with someone out there, eagerly waiting to devour your book, words, story, etc. …BUT… How do you...